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Ф135/Ф175/Ф500×450 6-roller reversible cold rolling mill

◆I. Rolling conditions:

  Material: carbon steel
   Feed material thickness:=2.0mm Feed material width:≤350mm
   Finished product thickness:=0.15mm Finished product width:≤350mm
   Rolling speed:V≤180m/min
   Rolling pressure:300T

◆II. Equipment configuration:

  Main machine:Ф135/Ф175/Ф500×450 6-roller reversible cold rolling mill

   (1)Screwdown device:
   1、Electric screwdown motor YZ model 7.5KW×2sets:
   2、It can screw down and lift simultaneously or lift and screw down seperately;
   3、The screwdown worm drive comprises of a double-enveloping worm screw and a worm wheel. The center-to-center spacing is 360mm
   4、High speed worm gearbox is WS180
   5、The screwdown threaded rod is S160×6,made up of 40Cr;
   6、The worm gearbox is made up of ZG270-500。

  (2)Mill housing assembly:
   1、Two pieces of closing housing(pillar section 200×260mm)
   2、The upper roller is for spring balance, and the lower roller is for hydraulic roller lifting;
   3、Provided with front and rear process brackets and roller support device (thickness gauge, two sets, prepared by the customer)
   4、Foundation bolts, drive base and repair platform.
   5、Transmission base and equipment foundation bolts, maintenance platform (site installation)

  (3)Roller device:
   1、Working roller diameter×roller face width Ф135×470mm Material:9Cr2Mo
   2、Supporting roller diameter×roller face width Ф500×450mm Material:9Cr2Mo For bearing, it adopts FC5678275
   3、Middle roll diameter×roller face width Ф175×450mm (asymetrical movement is 120mm)
   4、Lubricating method:Dry oil lubrication, front and rear hydraulic squeeze roller device
   5、Roller change method:Electric roller changer (with replacement roller track, gantry)

  (4)Main drive:

  1、Drive method:Work roll drive
   2、Main motor:Z4-315-42 N=284KW n=680/1600r/min I=778A
   3、Main speed reducer:ZDY-355 i=3.15(Lubrication pipeline)
   4、Herringbone gearbox (steel parts):A=135mm Mn=7mm(Hardened tooth surface)
   5、Discharge form:The unloading trolley enters and exits, pushes the material, and the lifting and lowering are all hydraulic actions, with a rotating swinging wall bracket.

上一頁:Ф140/Ф450×450 4-roller reversible cold rolling mill
下一頁:φ180×350 2-Roller Cold Rolling Mill Unit